Views are almost dead.

Use to have 5 to 20 views per day on my listing.I sell wheelchair parts.Sold 700 items so far.Lately no views.Is it the tariff situation.

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

For perspective, you have 12 items listed and have made three sales in the past 90 days.

How does that compare to January to March 2024? 2023? 2022?


Do Canadians use electric wheelchairs more when there is less snow?


Viewers view.

Watchers watch.

Buyers buy.

Since Dec 2024,695 views and 11 sales(avg $550 each item).I'm the cheapest for brand new items. For the last 2 weeks it's like i don't exist,no views for days.Not buying it,s one thing but no views,really strange. Thx for your time.