on 06-08-2023 03:35 PM
Over the past two weeks, oddly from two different sellers, I have been over charged as much as triple the cost for shipping. The last one saying its Canadian Expedited parcel and arriving Registered Letter. When inquiring at the over charging they say its to cover their seller fees. Its their handling costs. ?!?
They then said, because I went ahead and paid the shipping when purchasing the item, they don't have to reimburse me. Also saying they can charge what they want, nothing I can do about it.
Actually there is a lot I can do. 😉 ....Especially since ebay can see their replies to my queries.
Just curious if anyone else is having this lately?
Don't they realize that if they want to cover the cost of their seller fees, they can just up the price of their item?
The buyer rarely knows what the seller actually paid for postage.
We get discounts when we buy labels through eBay and have available services that are not on the regular Canada Post website.
Those discounts are usually used to cover the costs of packaging, something buyers don't think about until something is poorly packed and gets damaged.
The cost of a 200gr Large Envelope on CPO's rate page is $13.59 Registered.
The same Envelope would cost $43.89 ExpressPost with bubble envelope.
Oddly at 480gr the shipping would be $15.98 Registered and $27.25 ExpressPost.
Sellers are allowed to upgrade shipping services without asking, but not downgrade. The faster promise (which I am cynical about) would not make it a downgrade, just cheaper.
Most sellers will discount on combined shipping. Some will discount on downgraded shipping. Some will obfuscate the shipping service they plan to use which is hidden when we use Flat Rates, but open information when we use Calculated Shipping.
You are right. Our selling fees are supposed to be included in our asking price. In the end, the seller was an idiot not only for messing about with the shipping method, but also for telling you why. Reminds me of a former US president, who can't help telling everyone that he did the illegal thing and thinking that won't back fire.
Was the total payment reasonable for what you purchased, when all was said and done?