Buying Hardy fly reels

Community Member

I am on eBay every day checking on used Hardy fly reels and if you check you,ll notice that I bought a few over the years. Now the problem that bothers me is the Japanese sellers with their insane inflated prices,I did contact a Japanese seller a few years ago and told him that the Hardy reels that he was selling were way,way over priced and he explained that his listings were just for the Japanese market so why not give them their own sight or put their listings in the front or in the back of all the listings.                 Another thing that I wish eBay would do,is stop putting the same listed reels on every third page or whatever,I,d like to know why you do this, I know what i,m looking at and I do not like looking at the same reel,s over and over. The day is coming when I stop buying on your site and it will be sooner rather than later. I know this will fall on deaf ears because I,ve made recamendations before and you didn,t follow up,as far as I,m concerned all eBay is about is making money any way you can,typical American company and when every seller goes to that global shipping rip off system is the day I,m done.Anyone outside the U,S. would be better served by their own County,s taxes and duty,s than that bull**bleep**,American protectionism.


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How are you Searching?

Best Match is sometimes weird, but you could try Lowest Price plus Shipping (or Highest, but I suspect that would give you the Japanese market prices) or Newly Listed. 

There are a few choices in the dropdown menu.


Then there are other choices on the left side Search menu which include the price range. 

I was looking at one of my favourite Searches to check out what we see, and one I didn't see was choosing North America as the location of the product. But it's there for some* products .



Japanese sellers with their insane inflated prices,...his listings were just for the Japanese market so why not give them their own sight 

There is an eBay Japan

But just as many Canadian sellers also list on dotCOM as do German and Australian and Singaporean, the Japanese have found they have a market here.


DotCOM is the go to site for buyers around the world. Many do not realize there are national sites, and of course dotCOM serves the world's largest single economy, the USA.


or put their listings in the front or in the back of all the listings.

This again may have something to do with your Search.

One criterion for Best Match is number sold, and if those Japanese sellers are moving a lot of reels they will rise in placement.


as far as I,m concerned all eBay is about is making money any way you can,

You just described capitalism.


.Anyone outside the U,S. would be better served by their own County,s taxes a

I'm not clear on what you are trying to say, but here we are on dotCA, the Canadian site.

You will find US sellers here (and dotCOM sellers from all around the world) as long as they will ship to Canada.








*My favourite Search is for ephemera from a cult TV show cancelled in 2002 after half a season. No one outside of this continent cares.