How do I know if I have a purchase limit?

I'm trying to purchase an item, and I click Buy It Now, and I pay through my PayPal account, and I go to check out and I click confirm purchase, and then I'm taken to a page with red text informing me that eBay has a purchase limit policy to prevent folks from buying too much all at once. It doesn't necessarily say that I have this limit, just that it exists. There's then an option to return to the home page.

The purchase I want to make doesn't show up in my purchase history. Have I bought it and it's just taking time to process? I haven't received any e-mails confirming my order. I looked into purchase limits and they're for new accounts to restrict them from going spend crazy or prevent you from buying something way more expensive than usual, etc. I haven't bought anything lately, and the purchase is for like $30. eBay also says I should get an email if I have a limit. I have not.

Did I buy the thing? Does it take a while for something to show up in purchase history? What gives?

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Follow the money.

What does your PayPal account show when you sign in?


If you haven't bought in awhile you can get treated as new again.



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