Refund Requested from Seller - No Response from Ebay Or Seller

I am posting this here because I think I've been scammed - seller isn't responding to messages and has a horrible feedback rating (I know, I should have seen it.), and now, even though it's been 4 days since I requested the refund, the furthest I can get is sending Ebay an email, getting an automated response that requests a reply if its answers don't help and then..... address rejected. My email back to them explaining the issue literally cannot get through.


Message to Ebay Follows:

"Hello,   I purchased from seller on January 29th, 2020. More than a week ago I requested information on when I could expect it to come out, due to delays, and to this date I have not received a response, even 4 days after opening the request for a refund.   In addition, they had broken the presale policy that states "Presale listings must guarantee that the item will be shipped within 30 days of purchase." (At the earliest it would ship March 31st, a full 2 months later.) "The date the item will be available to ship must be clearly stated in the listing" (The listing only said "Around March 31st") Please take action on the case listed above so that I can receive my return for this fraudulent listing.   They have already had their opportunity to respond and I would like the order cancelled and my money refunded.   Thank you and best regards,"

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I've contacted my credit card company as suggested on here and provided them with all of the information I could - I will inform those here and close the dispute with Ebay/Seller when/if the card company reverses the transaction/chargeback.


This should work, but I'm gonna be a fussbudget and point out that opening the credit card Dispute (dispute=request=case words words words) means that Paypal will not entertain a Dispute if the card dispute fails.

This is one reason why it is a good idea to back a Paypal account with a credit card.

First dispute is through eBay, if it fails the buyer can go to PP, and if that fails tothe card.

But if the PP dispute is opened first, eBay won't accept a later dispute. If the card dispute is opened first neither PP nor eBay will accept a later dispute.  The point is to prevent double -dipping.