Seller has ignored me for weeks, is a refund possible?

I placed an order on 16th Aug and received it on 2nd Sep, but one of the pieces required for assembly was incorrect, so it's impossible to put together and use. I contacted seller on 2nd Sep and didn't receive any response.

I messaged again on 9th Sep and they replied that day asking if I would like a replacement part sending out. I agreed to this on 10th Sep but received nothing in the post following this.

I messaged again on 22nd Sep to ask if the part had been sent out and they replied on the same day saying it should have arrived and that they would look into the issue and get back to me.

I've messaged them twice since then, on 1st Oct and 4th Oct asking for an update but they've gone silent.
I decided to open an 'Item Not Received' request 16 days after their final response where they said they would update me on the whereabouts of the replacement part and 7 and a half weeks since I ordered from them.

It's now been 13 days since I opened the request and the seller hasn't responded to it and there is still no option for eBay to step in on the request page.

I can see that the seller is active as they have updated their page banner and store name, so they are clearly ignoring me. They have many negative reviews and reply to each one with an apology asking the buyer to message them with any issues they have (even though they hardly ever reply!)

I found this message "Your refund for this item was processed on {INR_DATE_REFUND_WAS_INITIATED}. You should receive your money soon. To check its status, select View case details." but the part in brackets hasn't changed in over 10 days and I've received no refund in my bank account. 

If my item isn't part of the eBay money back guarantee is there no chance of a refund? I don't want the seller to get away with this terrible customer service 😞

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Answers (2)

Generally, you have 30 days from the arrival of the item to open a Not As Described  claim with eBay's Money Back Guarantee.

This may be slightly different with eBayUK.


Since you received the incorrect item on Sept 2 and today is Oct 21, you are well past the deadline for a MBG Claim.

The seller scammed you with a promise of a replacement.


Open a chargeback on the credit card you actually paid with. Most cards allows Claims for up to 180 days from Payment.

You may be asked to return the unwanted item and pay for the return shipping, but that would be unusual.


While it is polite to contact the Seller when a purchase is unsatisfactory, it is not required.

The MBG link is on you Purchases page, in a dropdown.


It's a MONEY Back Guarantee, not a replacement guarantee.

Get your money back and start again.


With a MBG Claim, the seller is required to send you a Return Shipping Label, and refund you when it gets back.

If they don't cooperate, eBay refunds you and goes after them for the money.



Your User name indicates your location as United Kingdom. This is the eBay Canada community forum. Might be best if you seek out answers on the U.K. forums so that any assistance provided pertains to the required buyer policies as set out for your country's location.