changing my individual seller account to Business

Community Member



I’m wondering if anyone can explain how to switch my individual seller account to a business seller account on eBay. I’d really appreciate the help



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If you are registered in Canada you need to set up a Managed Payments account.

EBay will require your Social Insurance Number  (now required because eBay has been told to submit sales information to Revenue Canada) and usually another secondary ID. I used my passport and DH used his driving license.

EBay also needs your checking account information so they can transfer your customers' payments to your bank account.

And all your names must match.
If your name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith, you cannot have a bank account as J J  Jingleheimer Smith , a Managed Payment account as John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith, and an eBay account as JJJ Smith.


Until you've been selling for 90 days and sold 25 items your payments will be held until tracking shows delivered, or in 30 days if there's no tracking. They can hold the payment for the full 30 days if you're selling in a high risk category. 


To the best of my knowledge, only eBayUK requires a different registration for "business" and "private" sellers.


At first you will be restricted in the number and value of your listings.


You get 250 FREE listings, but you may not be able to use them all at once.

With a Store you pay $25+ monthly for up to 1000 listings.

Having a Store does not remove the restrictions, nor does it give you better placement in Search.