To catseye and audioshack, Here are the guidelines for the siggies.
We will look at this issue more closely if it is a concern.
To pukmis, We love eBay Live, too. Frankly, it costs a lot to host it.
It's very valuable but it's expensive. I will tell you, though, that we
have a much bigger presence at eBay Live this year. eBay Canada has its
own dedicated booth as our fellow e...
To catseye, There are rules on signatures, yes, but we want to make sure
that people can project their personalities through the black and white
of typeface. It's a balance, certainly, but I like it a bit more
To skeeters_den, Carly says hi! The boards are moderated 24/7 in both
countries. You're right that there is a lot of content to cover, so
there will be times when you will see something first. But we are
looking at the content constantly and greatly ...