my*2*angels blue....I can't thank you enough. Exactly what I had in mind
on the siamese cat!!! Each time I come onto the CTS Siggies
thread...this is like opening a present!!!! Thank you so much for your
work. I've saved the siamese to computer.
May I have two separate siggies. My sister has a love of the regal and
mischievous Siamese cat. Her husband would dearly love a black cat with
yellow eyes. For the Siamese cat...the name Carol in silver glitter For
the Black cat with yellow
my*2*anglesblue....may I request yet another siggie when time permits?
I've found an animated gargoyle gif. Could I please have the name
Catherine in the same style you did in the last gargoyle only in smaller
letters with the gargoyle centered above...