Can't find either of these ornaments on EBay with sellers who will ship
to Canada! These ornaments were only sold at the Hallmark Expo
gatherings. Is there a place on EBay to put a "Wish list" or "Item
wanted to buy" to draw attention to sellers?
See my detailed answer below. After a bid is registered, the only thing
that can be done to get out of the GSP is for the seller to put in a
cancel transaction or bid retraction and REPOST. If you are the winning
buyer, seller may agree to send you a...
Sellers & buyers beware--Just got burned on this one. The advice given
above that you do not need an invoice is WRONG. PAY NOW will not work
unless the buyer wants to pay the GSP charges set by Pitney Bowes.When
seller posts the auction, must OPT OUT...