Please give me some advice! An auction ended yesterday, with the buyer
living in Poland. He has now paid for the auction with Paypal, but has a
unconfirmed address. What should I do??? I am now in CYA mode... Thanks
in advance for your help
thank you!!!! I went and signed up for that Endicia trial. Thanks for
letting me know. I am happy to report that I sent that girl an email and
said maybe she was performing a chargeback on the wrong account, that
she received my package and left me f...
Alright.. alrighhhtt!! As I said.. I am NEW. Enough said!!! Lesson
learned! I don't know why I wasnt getting DC. I started to in the
beginning, then was told it was redundant by a postal worker when I was
on vacation. They said if you get insurance o...
I guess I have finally been initiated into the club. My first dispute is
going on in Paypal right now. A buyer is claiming that she never
received her package and that she has not been able to get ahold of me
as I apparently am no longer a registered...