Hello That is disgusting.I have issued two refunds in the last few days
and the form letter (dispute) from ebay goes on about it is a crime if
you don't send the package out. Why would I do such a thing? I have said
this too many times. Today I feel ...
Yes Joy I am interested Actually folks, I live in Toronto so driving
would be a fair hike. I was just wondering what US customs might
think??? Anyway I will contact you to find out Nice site Joy!!!!
I agree BUT is US customs holding on to them or what??? Does anyone
know????? I think CP stinks too and the charges are outrageous I wish an
alternate shipper would come in and put them straight out of business.
Anyone out there interested in opening...
Thank you. I like the thoughts of shipping via the US Postal service
however driving across may be an issue.My cousin and I tossed an idea
around of driving to Buffalo and shipping from Buffalo. US Border
Customs may not like this idea. Don't get me ...
Hello Isn't UPS more expensive than Canada Post? I have items that sell
for 10.00 and if I charge anymore than 3.75 S & H people will stop
buying from me?? If anyone can tell me that UPS is cheaper GOODBYE
CANADA POST!!!!!! Although I read on UPS sit...