I hope you continue to be on the boards! I've learned so much from you.
Congratulations on leaving eBay and it's a nice business card. I'm
amazed anyone can make money selling stamps here. It great to hear
there's still stamp collectors around. All t...
This is a very serious problem! New coin collectors are being taken
advantage of, and eBay dismantled its coin watch program in may. Now the
problem is worse than ever. I personally find it hard to watch. I'm also
burned out from reporting listings, ...
Yes, I replied to a fake superman thread just prior to Canada day. The
Royal Canadian mint coins come with a certificate of authocincty, sorry
can't spell today. The come in a square clear plastic cube. It's
upsetting seeing these clad fakes from ali...
eBay is littered with the Chinese counterfeits of the 2013 7 superman
legal tender coins. They include 99.99 fine silver, a gold and a
lenticular coin & stamp set. They were released sept 09/2013. Sellers
buy sets of 6 coins from aliexpress, and then...