I am gold powerseller but have achieved that only lately. I was silver
for quite sometime. It doesn't feel any different to except you get more
deadbeats who bid, threaten to give you negative feedback if you don't
give them discount or some cocked u...
thanks for the course.. I am actually thinking of moving to the Niagara
Falls area and doing all my shippings from a small warehouse in the
other side of the border. Fedex Ground costs from USA are about 35 %
cheaper than Fedex Ground charges from Ca...
This is the reason why I use FEDEX GROUND... TIME IS MONEY and Canada
Post although reliable and cheaper on some items has the most appalling
CSR service.
I opened my EB Store recently. I am in a wait and see mode. I see way
too many 1 cent or 99 cents auction from Hong Kong in Ebay.com and
Ebay.ca. As a customer I get a headache just trying to sort through
these auctions but as a Seller I see how some...
I recommend photobucket.com they have free picture hosting for small
business and large storage capacity of sellers listing lots of pictures
and large pictures. All my listings are hosted by them and I have not
had any problems. The price for the lat...