That is great, You start a contest on Calling any eBay, PayPal AND Skype
users! and then you lock the discussion after 2 people post. That looks
like favortism...LOL
With regards to your post # 16. How can you file anINR and an Item not
described at the same time. You can then file an INR claim stating that
the item was not as described since the location was misrepresented or
the shipping method used was incorre...
Further to post # 1 Here is another seller that is NARUed but at the
present time has 4 listings up for auction. Here is one of the auctions.
vaughan: Lately there have been several auctions have come up where the
seller is NARUed but they are still able to list auctions. Some of these
have been reported and eventually pulled but others keep popping up. It
was mentioned to ebay pink Ryanne...