I had the same thing last year with a sellar. I told them that because I
used a credit card it was considered Internation Fraud under 500.00 and
Visa would prosecute. Of course, this was a risk but I did get my money
back - FAST!
Poor you! What an ordeal! As much as I know we *should* do the patient
thing, I'd have done just the same as you! Sometimes it is just not
worth the loss of sleep, the aggravation and the annoyance. I am going
to block him too but I doubt he wants do...
Hey gang! My sales were way up during November. December is off to a
good start also. BUT! I am a relatively new business and get a lot of
business directed to me by the Greyhound community so that might be
saving me. I don't have huge sales to compa...