Hello Kitty and Atilio, I just have a little comment/question. Would it
be nice if our ebay ME pages includes a linkup function with the kijiji
and cragslit automatically? Well, I still haven't used the ME page as I
think not many people would spend ...
Hi cambam0, Usually my items are shipped from Hong Kong to the US. Mail
tracking is also available on usps.com with the tracking no. provided by
post office in Hong Kong. usps.com also shows international incoming
items to the US. For example, tracki...
Hi Ben, I have a little question. Which software do you think is best
for keeping stock/sales/cost/profit&lost records for items sold on eBay?
I am now using Selling Manager Pro, however, I've found it is quite weak
on keeping track of the item/shipp...
Hi guys, I had a chargeback from an US buyer before. I shipped the item
of course. Thru the tracking page on www.usps.com, the result showed
that the mail was received by that buyer. However, paypal did not take
it as reference... or they didn't inve...