Yes this happens often. Shipping to Canada is often a major hassle and
many americans won't ship or sell to Canadians. Now this does not mean
that the seller is trying to rip you off, they will at times drop a sale
because the winning bid was not eno...
It's possible i have a few good ones i deal with but the evidence proves
the contrary for most of us. I just had to open a PP case a few mins ago
and it's in the same pattern as the previous purchase problems from
china sellers. You simply can't igno...
Anything imported over 20$ CDN is taxable. On your 80$ the 20$ tracks
with about 15% PST/GST and 11% duty taxe.Don't mix the 24 hour 200$ duty
free that you get if you drive over the border yourself. To think that
it used to be 125$ duty free by the ...
ADENDUM: Also all the fraudulent ebay sellers i recently dealt with do
have a pattern of items to sell. It's usually clothing, then one or two
kitchen items, then a sports item. They all also have a general rating
of 200-300 feedback and they all hol...
Actually from my experience and research the sales and feedback results
on far too many Chinese sellers on ebay are for lack of a better term.
"Way off" Taking into consideration the bulk sale there sales numbers VS
stock quantity vs feed back are si...