Has eBay changed the layout of auctions where i can't see the ad i
designed but instead it shows a box that other people also looked at.Are
they taking away the capability to design your own ad ?
No you are not alone in this.I find the old shipping module easy to
read, all the information is on one page and after i fill out the
information i hit continue and a nice page comes up with the shipping
cost etc. all on one page that i can print and...
Hi MjI do appreciate your help and it was enough to make me think there
was something wrong on my end and indeed there is a problem with the
network card in my desktop. As soon as i disconnect the card and go
wireless everything works okay even on al...
I design my auctions in frontpage, always have and they worked fine
until last weekend and today i am having problems, I am not using any
active content. I don't use a third party provider.
Well now that is interesting, because that is not what i see. They
worked fine last week but not now. I tried on a computer with XP, win 7
32 bit and 64 bit and my android tablet and i can't get it to display
properly. I can't imagine it would be my ...
As a follow upIf you look at
will see the attachment should look like this as can be seen here
http://prntscr.com/dll4wy Funny thing is that when i am in ...