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Anyone have any advice or insight on this?A buyer in australia opened a case this morning for an item not received. Item entered Australia March 22 but not other updates. I remember the address being weird & was going to call the place to see if they...
Well this is a first. I don't use Purolator often but I've used it enough to know there's never been a problem using it before.Shipped an item last week. Entered the tracking # and had to type the word Purolator as the shipping company.Notice last ni...
Is there a way to stop offers from being made on auctions? It wouldn't be so bad if buyers used that option properly but no they still look at is if the starting bid is buy it now price
Somehow I seem to be having more problems with buyer's this past couple months than in the past 20 years I currently have a buyer who isn't picking up thier package from the post office. I messaged them incase they didn't know it was there & they hav...