I recieve packages faster from aliexpress in china then i do from
florida to ontario...its insane , it takes close to a month to receive
the package through ebay internagtional shipping . What's interesting
though it gets to glendale heights in a wee...
Also i forgot to mention , it also gets confusing because it says "
Delivered to individual" but then tracking says its been finally
delivered to me which it hasn't , im in another country . I wish they
would not show out for delivery when its still ...
You are exactly right it only started a few months ago, but it seems to
be getting worst. I order packges now almost knowing they will be lost
if they go through glendale heights. How can a package go into a bulding
and get lost and never come out???...
I have never had issues with normal shipping , its just when its ebay
international shipping and it goes through glendale heights , whats
intesresting is its only been the last few months ..... to have 1
package go missing ....it happens, but 5 packa...