Has there been Fake China sellers with 0 feedback selling items at super low prices? SCAM ?

Community Member

Noted that there has been Quite a few New 0 Feedback sellers from China selling super low priced items.

( Crazy Low ) Price's 

     They list 4, you buy one an 1 min later all are sold. Or another is the seller has three auctions, insted of three items.

     Is there a SCAM going on where these sellers are ripping off Pay-Pal and e-bay ? Where we wait months for nothing to come, then need to make a claim?  

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Answers (3)

If a listing is too good to be true -- such as a new item that is selling for a fraction of its retail cost -- that is certainly a warning sign. And if a relatively new seller is suddenly selling thousands of dollars worth of multiple quantity listings at fire sale prices with free shipping from overseas with extended handling times and very long shipping estimates, you should be very concerned, particularly if the items are expensive electronics, cameras, musical instruments, tools or outboard motors.


In general, you can avoid a lot of headaches by choosing to purchase only from established sellers that have recent and past positive feedback as a seller for selling items in the same category that you intend to buy. If someone is selling a dozen apple watches, but has no feedback, or only has feedback as a buyer, or only has feedback for selling dress patterns or fishing lures (actual examples I have seen), perhaps wait until they have a track record of positive feedback for selling electronics before you buy from them.


You might miss out on a good deal from a new seller once in a while, and nothing can guarantee that you won't still run into a scammer anyway, but you can avoid a lot of potential problems by choosing to do business with established sellers. Anyone can put together a listing that looks nice -- it is not hard at all to simply copy an existing listing -- but it is much harder to create a history of consistent sales and positive feedback.

If it sounds to good to be true??? Yes there are lots of ghost auctions, where there is no items to be shipped..

Use your common sense here..Most often they are high jacked accounts, ..

The first step of course is to avoid any listing you feel may be corrupt.

They list 4, you buy one an 1 min later all are sold.

  • That's not necessarily a scam. I have had items that sold within minutes of listing, and if there is a good deal going the millions and millions of eBay buyers will find it.

Or another is the seller has three auctions, insted of three items.

  • Again, sketchey, but not a scam, providing the seller actually has three items to sell. From my own experience, I have a few items that I sell one at a time, rather than making a single listing with five or ten items available.
  • And to the best of my knowledge, it is only possible to auction one lot at a time (there can be multiple items in the lot) so the auctioneer may put up three separate auctions because he has three identical items to auction.

Where we wait months for nothing to come, then need to make a claim?

It would be useful to read the eBay Money Back Guarantee.

EBay allows 30 days from Delivery (or last estimated date for delivery) to file a Dispute.

So theoretically, you could pay, wait the five months you had been told the item would take to delivery, then open a Not Received Dispute and win.

Again, it is the buyer's responsibility to note the delivery window and decide if that is acceptable.

And to put the last date on his calendar.


Paypal allows 180 days from Payment for a Dispute and many cards allow six months for a chargeback.


Is there a SCAM going on where these sellers are ripping off Pay-Pal and e-bay ?

Neither is being ripped off. The naive Buyer takes the loss.

EBay and PP both collect fees for their service of advertising the (fraudulent?) listing and processing the (fraudulent?) payment.


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