Committed to buying item I didn't order

I have previously ordered and received an item from a seller in Hong Kong (auto part), and it was good quality with free postage and positive rating provided by me.  I decided to order a second slightly different item from same seller and went through the same 'make an offer' process which this time did not work as easily as the first time (although that was also a tad frustrating).  Possibly due to time differences between Hong Kong and Canada, and the delay in the seller accepting or declining my offer, my 'offers' have twice timed out with ebay.  I finally wrote to the seller directly, and he confirmed the minimum price he would accept, and I made the purchase. Unfortunately, he sent me 2 committed offers to purchase the same identical item when in fact I had only ordered 1.  I wrote to him to cancel one of the identical items, but it still continues to show in 'my messages' that 'You've committed to buying this item'. I then tried to cancel the extra one of them through ebay, but could not find a suitable category similar to 'Not ordered'.  I did fill in the section to cancel the order with an explanation, but I am guessing that nobody read it, as a notice arrived in my inbox saying that I could not cancel the order as it was already posted.  This of course is the case for the 1 item that I ordered, and I want to keep, but it did not address the second duplicate item that keeps showing up requiring me to purchase it.  How do I resolve this with ebay please, assuming that the seller has actually cancelled the second incorrect offer to purchase? 

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You made an Offer on an item from a HK seller.

The Offer timed out.

You made the offer through eBay Messages( ?) and it was accepted.

Did you pay for the accepted Offer?

I guess so, since it has been shipped (posted).


The seller seems to be waiting for payment for the second, identical Offer.

It has not been paid or shipped.



Don't pay for it.

They won't ship it.

You won't receive it.


The "paperwork" will eventually disappear.


My  question is, when an Offer is accepted by the Seller, but not paid by the Buyer, does the Buyer get a Strike for non-payment automatically?

Does the Seller have to actively open a NAD for the Buyer to get a Strike?


And for this poster/Buyer,  would a single Strike in a 12 month period make any difference to their ability to bid and buy on eBay.
I recognize that two Strikes would prevent bidding on items where the Seller has an automatic Block in place.