I had a credit on my account. I was over the phone with the loyalty department. The phone dropped.

I was over the phone with loyalty department, The call dropped. the personal never call me back. I am not able to call then and get them back.


How do i call them?


There is not even an email account to ssend enquiries.

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The phone reps have a terrible reputation for getting you off the phone as soon as possible even if that means giving you the advice you want to hear instead of the advice you need to have.


https://www.facebook.com/eBayForBusiness/ — Message button in upper right on landing page.

https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/How-do-I-contact-Customer-Support/m-p/32016431#M1783851 -> Automated Assistant, type AGENT -> enter. You will then get more options.

The social media Chat accounts are covered by trained eBay employees with some authority.
And you get a transcript so you can compare what you heard with what you were told.

The reps assigned to FaceBook have the best reputation.


And a transcript means you can review your conversation to see if what you heard is what you were told,.