on 11-18-2024 05:53 PM
I am looking at an auction item ending Nov 19th where it indicates "Canada Post Regular Parcel." from Montreal and an estimated delivery date of Dec 19th here in Winnipeg. Since Canada Post is currently out on strike if I bid and win this auction what happens to that delivery date? Can the delivery date be pushed further into the future should the strike persist?
The listing could have been uploaded weeks or months ago.
Sellers could go through all their listings, and even small sellers can have thousands of listings, and make the (temporary) change.
Or they can leave things be and use an alternate method -- which is likely twice or more as expensive as Canada Post-- as a backup.
I checked the cost for shipping a paperback book to the USA on Friday.
Canada Post will charge me $7.18, FedEx -which has a drop off a block from my house- would be over $20.
If there is any urgency for delivery, buy locally.
Much would depend on whether ther seller plans to use an alternate shipper...
many sellers' listings still have the CP shipping, but those sellers may also have a backup plan for shipping via an alternate carrier.