How can I agree to cancel a transaction after I have refused the offer. Seller's Paypal is not working.

I declined the sellers offer to cancel transaction because it was made without any explanation.  Because the seller is having a problem with his Paypal account I must now agree to the cancellation but I don't know how to proceed.  Please help.

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The seller having problems with his PayPal account excuse is also used by sellers who have simply changed their mind and no longer wish to sell the item. What is the status of the payment in your aypal account? If it shows as completed,the seller is lying about the problems with his PayPal account. A completed payment means that the seller already has your payment in his PayPal account. If you haven't paid et,the seller can no longer open an item not received dispute against you. At this point there is nothing you can do,the cancellation offer can only be given once per transaction.

Before simply reacting to decline, it may have been reasonable to inquire with the seller why he was asking to cancel.  Well, the bad news is that the only way to cancel a transaction is for the seller to offer a Request for Cancellation.  Once.  A seller is not able to do it a second time.  Now he will have to pay fees on that amount, -- so as you might imagine, he will not be particularly fond of you.  Oh well, if, as you say, he offered no explanation, he must assume part of the blame.  If you wish to see how the cancellation process works, have a look at the following link:


Thanks to everyone who replied.  All information was very helpful.

Because the seller is having a problem with his Paypal account - And I am Marie of Roumania.


Because you refused the cancellation, the seller has your money and must ship.

Contact the seller and ask for the Delivery Confirmation number of the shipment and date of mailing. You could use the opportunity to explain that you refused the Mutual Cancellation because you want the item and there was no explanation for the Cancellation.

If he gives the DC and date, you can check on his country's post office website to verify them.  If not, go to Paypal and start an Item Not Received dispute.

If the item was shipped but does not appear within 30 days, go to Paypal and start an Item Not Received dispute.

You have two tools if the seller is uncooperative. The INR dispute is one. The other is feedback and Detailed Seller Ratings. You have 45 days for the first and 60 days for the second.

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