First goes PayPal and here Comes eBay....

What do you call someone that has the power to rule, decided your fate, when they make mistake(s) they never admit guilt and ready, capable and willing with a large smile to reach into your pocket and taking as much as they possibly can, all the while looking at you dead in the eye and telling you that the appreciation they have for you is like no other and that you are a very important person to them... ANSWER......

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It's not just eBay, it's every institution you have any financial dealings with.

What has the the cost status been of your cable, internet, phone, gas, electric, insurance, groceries, sundries, entertainment, fuel, repars, etc, etc, over the past 2 or 5 years?

You betcha, MacDonald's, Timmies, and Starbucks also have their hands deeper into your pocket.

They all do, and it's only getting worse.

Wages, and particularly, fixed incomes haven't kept pace.

And then there's what I call Covid-catch-up.

I could write a short story, but life's too short... you get it.

Sorry to ruin your day.