Getting paid.

Hi. I have had an account with ebay since 2000. I just sold an item a few days ago. I just received an email from ebay telling the buyer has paid for the item. I read further in the email that Ebay is holding my money until item is received. I have never heard of this before. I have sold items in the past without this hold onto funds. Can someone shed light on this. Thanks in advance.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Community Member
Payment holds aren’t new on eBay but their scope has broadened with the advent of Managed Payments. As you haven’t sold anything on eBay for a while, you will be subject to a hold on your payout to ensure the integrity of your account. It’s not personal, it’s business and security.

You are set-up to accept payouts through the new Managed Payments set-up, right?

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

The Hold  is for new, occasional, and returning sellers and is for up to 21 days.

It's nothing personal.

But it can be annoying. Or a shock.

The Hold can be shortened by attaching Proof of Delivery.  Since this was a Local Pickup, did you use the QR code service to prove your customer has the typewriter?

That should release the Hold.

Worth mentioning that Local Pickup can be cash. And there are no Holds on cash.


Most sellers have accepted the default weekly (Tuesday) payments although there are other options.

When Managed Payments releases the Hold, if it happens to be Wednesday, the bank transfer will not happen until the next Tuesday. And sometimes banks take their own sweet time about accepting the transfer, although we haven't seen any complaints about that on dotCA.




I am in the same boat and this has never happened to me before also. The buyer has the product and I have nothing. I was ready to list tons of stuff and have pulled my recent listings.