How can I deactivate my listed items for a few days?

Community Member


I am new here. I need expert help to learn a few things about selling on eBay. Your help is greatly appreciated.

I have listed a few items to sell. However, I noticed their photos are not good enough. I want to retake their photos.

I see that below each of my listings, it is written 4 days and 20 hours remaining.

I want to deactivate my listing to add new photos to them & then activate them again. How can I do that?

Also, why are we given only a few days to sell an item? What happens if we can't sell them in that duration?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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You would be better off to list those items as 30 day good till cancelled (gtc) fixed price listings rather than as auctions.

There is a way to hide  fixed price listings but it does not work for auctions.