how do i sell more items

Is it worth having a ebay store? I have posted quite a few items but have sold very little. Seems to be more work than it is worth. Would a store boost the views?

 Thanks in advance

 Jimmy D

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At this point in your career, a Store would be a waste of money.

The cheapest Store costs $16 a month plus 20 cents for each listing each month.

Unless you have at least 54 unique items for sale, the cost is higher than listing at auction with the 50 free auctions currently being offered by eBay.

The purpose of a Store is to reduce work and costs for experienced sellers who have a large, slow moving stock. Like the vintage science fiction paperbacks which is my specialty.


You can get more views (and maybe sales) by improving your titles, which are free. You have over 40 keystrokes available and those are the words that your customers will Search.

For example, your pewter dish. Is it a candy dish? A serving dish?

What is the brand?

And use capital letters. "Pewter phoenix dish Arpa Petro" It just looks more professional

You are also turning off some customers by saying "Asking $75). Did you buy the Reserve Auction option? I don't see it. If by opening at t$45 and putting in the asking of $75 I would think you meant that you won't sell unless it reaches $75. You can't do that. With the exception of Reserves, you must be willing to sell the item at the opening price, if there are no other bids.

BTW- most customers detest Reserve Auctions. If you are determined to use them, do put your Reserve in the body of the description. Secrets don't sell.

The more feedback you get, the more customers you will get. That is an endless loop.

You do know that when your items sell, that Paypal will hold the payment for up to 21 days against your good performance, right?

Your shipping is screwed up. According to your S&H page you will ship to Canada for $20 but to Finland for $15 by Light Packet USA. Great price, but again it does not look professional . Light Packet is for items less than 2 cm thick. It is not tracked or insured. And Light Packet USA would not be the appropriate service for Finland in any case.

For bulky items like this, use Calculated Shipping. Again not only is it more accurate, but it looks reassuringly professional. Don't forget to add a small handling charge for packaging. Bubblewrap ain't free. Your buyer should know exactly what he will be spending when he bids.