Seller is lying about tracking information with paypal case

I bought the game on the 4th december.
A week after i bought it a didnt get my game yet.
I emailed the seller to ask him when he shipped it and if he has tracking information , he told me there is no tracking number to track my package.So i told him i would be more patient since its Holiday season, could take more time then usual.
After 2 more weeks i still didnt get my item yet, i opened a case with paypal for item not received then i escalate to a claim right away.A week later the seller provides paypal with a tracking number of a package that has been delivered on the 17th december
So now paypal requiring my action, i only have two choices
If you've resolved this problem, you can cancel this claim anytime.
If you received the item but it's different than you expected, you can change your reason for this claim..
Obviously the seller is a fraud.
So what can i do about that ?
anything that can help me to stop that seller

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That "tracking number" should be attached to an address.

When you phone PP, be sure the clerk understands that the address is not your address.

Since the PP clerk is probably not familiar with the Canadian postal system, be sure she understands that, unlike the USPS zipcodes, our postal codes are very precise and identify a postal walk, usually a couple of city blocks or even a part of a highrise apartment building, which is the postie's route.

US zipcodes may be so vague as only to identify a town.


If the address is yours, then it is time to ask family and neighbours about the parcel. (This morning, Sunday, I found a package on my porch with some earrings I had ordered. Since I had contractors in and out on Friday and Saturday, I can only think that a neighbour got the parcel mis-delivered and tossed it onto the porch floor in passing. )

Also that number could be a customs number, which is not really tracking, but would be necessary if your item had a value of over $20.

Have you contacted your PO and asked if it is waiting for you there?


BTW, the fact that you were asking about tracking would tend to make the seller, and possibly the PP clerk, suspicious about a claim of non-delivery when the seller had stated that no tracking was used.