Meant seller protection. It's kind of late, and I'm pretty frustrated at
the outcome. What eBay doesn't seem to realize is without sellers,
buyers won't have anything to buy. How anybody is still selling anything
on a platform that trivializes theft ...
Well, the financial institution ruled in favor of the millionaire's son
(surprise surprise). I also unsurprisingly don't qualify for buyer
protection so I have to pay them $1037+$20. Guess my next step is to
file a report with the BBB and the ombudsm...
I used to price my items far below market value and to compensated for
that, I'd charge exorbitant shipping fees. This was done so I wouldn't
have to pay eBay as much, and I'd recuperate the fees that I would have
to pay through the shipping costs th...
Join the club. However, logic dictates that a mutibillion dollar company
can afford to drag it out in court and bear all the necessary expenses.
Can any of us?