BUT, ebay is charging GST on postage. Already paying tax on this if
required. I have been told that ebay US in now looking into this
FRAUD!!!!!!!!!! Let's wait and see. I'm seriously looking into other
methods of selling.
I think this immediate pay is crap. I used a buy it now on an item but
had to email the the seller because they had not put in shipping to
Canada so I couldn't send payment. I was later notified by the seller
the item had sold the previous day, even ...
It's not just the RBC. All the banks are doing it. They can deny all
they want but with former employees stating on TV news that they lost
their jobs after training a temporary foreign worker how much can the
banks deny. As a former Bell employee, I ...
I've been on "ebid" for a few years now. They have not been around as
long as eBay but they offer a lot of less expensive options. Free
listing, what ever type of payment type YOU wish to take, 3% Final value
fees NOT 9% +. Final value fees are on it...
Look at the asking price .99 shipping over 20.00. When ebay fvf's wer on
item only people scammed ebay by over inflating shipping to cover the
cost of item. I think some sellers still think this is in effect. If I
am interested in something I contact...