User Activity

Hi there...I won a bid a few days ago...I have contacted the seller twice now...Nicely...Asking if Package was mailed out or if not when can I expect it to be mailed out? I have not heard a word as yet? I am wondering at what point do i go through e-...
how to leave a message stating that you are away for buyers to see?
Hi there...I Sold a Ring and Now the buyer does not want to pay...What steps do I take so that I can put my ring back on and that I can have her canceled from the purchase? Thank you.
How do I get them cancel from the bid...I have lots of watchers...They were the only one that had bid so far...And now want out of bid before it closes...Thanks.
Hi there...I want to View another users Items in her store...she is from the USA and I am from Canada...She said she has put me in for an exception and I still cannot see...She has also opend her perference to Canada...I still cannot see what she has...
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