User Activity

Hello everyone, Many of you have probably seen the new Canada Post online shopping comparison site, I had attempted to sign up for this site for extra advertising and everything seemed ready to go then I received an email stating because of my affili...
Hello everyone, I receive a newsletter from Skip Mcgrath every month, he decided to hold off until next week to send his newsletter as he heard from someone at ebay that there is going to be some major announcements next week, has anyone heard of any...
Hello everyone, I know this is not a busy time of year for sales, but I have had none all week and that`s very unusual for me, has anyone else exerienced this? not trying to be a downer just wondering. Red:|
Hello, I just wanted to warn those sellers who use virtual terminal, I had used virtual terminal to process an order for a customer but I unknowingly put in the information from a credit card that did not belong to the customer, He ordered several hi...
Hello, does anyone know what I can do If a customer posts bad feedback, then after he states that it was ebay initiated feedback and that he actually received what he paid for? he is unhappy with the product but I offered him his money back so I can ...