@pierrelebel wrote:" then the terms can be challenged in court of law.."
That is correct. However, there is a long way from challenging terms to
actually having a court of law agreeing to changing the terms. Would you
spend your time and money to cha...
@treasurechest306 wrote:@rick31797 wrote:What they put on paper and what
is legally there Rights to do,are two different things..they cannot
claim ownership of somebody package, unless the package is illegal to
begin with, they do have the right to p...
@rick31797 wrote:What they put on paper and what is legally there Rights
to do,are two different things..they cannot claim ownership of somebody
package, unless the package is illegal to begin with, they do have the
right to protect the borders...but...
@afantiques wrote:Also we PAY for USPS Priority via these GSP auctions
however the seller is supposed to get the item to GSP within 4 days of
it selling to be fully protected so of course sellers ship it USPS
Priority however GSP sends it to us in Ca...
@bobenis wrote:@treasurechest306 wrote:@afantiques wrote:Poor original
packaging is cited (in the GSP FAQ) as one of the reasons for opening a
GSP package. Presumably they'd re-pack it better, but who knows.Jennie
at the Ebay GSP Customer Support cen...