Even so ,if i did buy something for 75 bucks at a place like Value
Village, they charge tax in my province, lets say 15 percent. so that
adds an extra 11 dollars , not even close to the amounts being charged
here! I dont mind paying shipping charges,...
I think they need to get rid of this program , its making buying on eBay
crazy expensive! I wanted to buy a pair of sneakers at 75 bucks but by
the time this GSP kicked in they were over 125, and it was a used item!
Shipping for the US was 8 bucks, b...
I hate this GSP !! Its actually making me not want to use eBay at all
anymore after I have been buying for years! Its making the items way too
expensive and I think its ridiculous. For example I wanted to buy a pair
of sneakers listed at 75 dollars. ...