Is there a way of finding out which buyer left me 1 star feedback for
shipping charges? I know this feedback was left in October but that is
all the info I have. My shipping charges are not outrageous in the least
and I have a feeling this was left i...
I make no profit whatsoever from shipping so why should I pay a final
value fee? Is it based on greedy sellers that charge ridiculous shipping
fees? If so, they are really ruining it for us honest sellers.
Totally agree! Buyers have so many rights while sellers unfortunately do
not. Buyers wouldn't be able to purchasewithout a seller and eBay should
take this into consideration. Sellers don't even know of the outcome
when they report buyers. Did they g...
Please show Strikes. It's the only way to make the buyers think twice
before they buy/bid. I had 4/4 not pay or communicate with me two weeks
ago and I've had it. As far as I'm concerned Buyers have all the rights
and Sellers have nothing. Yet we pay...