They also have a web feature (can't remember at the moment exactly what
it's called, or where it's located, but if you dig around you can find
it) that has a database of the all statistical data gleaned from the
listings of all trial users for the la...
Regarding whether there is any way to tell how someone found your item
(in what category they were browsing, or what keywords they were using):
Some of that can be found in Sales Reports for your Ebay Store, but the
information is quite limited, and ...
By the way, it's not like US buyers only "distrust" (to use your
parlance, when in fact I just see it as good common sense in today's
world) buyers from outside the US. We get free (via automated internet
shipping) or relatively cheap (at 55 cents) d...
Like I said, we want that confirmed address so we can send the items
USPS GEM (Global Express Mail, which is tracked) so we can be safe from
unwinnable chargebacks. We can't FedEx or UPS anything up there because
you'll get hit with massive customs b...
It's called "Fee Avoidance". Look it up on Ebay's help system. As far as
"keeping up with the competition", at least on .com, they're now showing
the full shipping charges (with any "required insurance" added) in -all-
search results. Problem solved.