starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
I see many selers doing this want an input. They ad there price in the shipping to say on ebay fees Do you think this is a good tatic or not
Message 1 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
I canot do that in my catagory. WOMEN shopping for CHILDREN'S clothes get REALLY mad about it, and you will be reported.

I don't think it is very ethical. Personally, I start my listings at what I would comfortable accept for them, including all fees and handling. I charge close to actual shipping as possible.

This statement: "the price of the craftsmanship is in the shipping and handling. The craftsmanship charge and shipping is 18.99. Please remember this is so we can save on ebay fees all sellers are doing it.This is also to bring you the best deal as possbile this include shipping. Please remember we ship twice week and we wait for the payment from paypal into our account.Only for USA and Canada" (Your listing states shipment to North and South America as well)

Is going to get you reported, and if you are going to blatantly avoid fees that way, someone is sure to report you. If you want to avoid fees, don't advertise it to everyone that reads the auction.

I don't like this practice. It makes it harder for those of use who follow rules, and will surely reflect in your feedback when you get the inevitable "S/H overcharge" comments.

This is my opinion. It is not up to me to dictate your business practices. I do hope you reconsider, tho.
Message 2 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
anyways thanks for opion. I just see this everywhere. makes me mad to when people are doing this in my catergory what am i suppose to do
Message 3 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
well i got ones opimio i guess that more than i need for tonight. Hopefully theres better people that see this to on ebay that know about it thanks and have good night to all.
Message 4 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
By the way not all my ads are like this. I just want an opinion i got from a clothes expert but was looking more for opinon in my field. thanks
Message 5 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
Chuck, I wasn't trying to insult you. You can't expect to come and post something like this and not get opinions on it. If you wanted opinions from people who sell fishing tackle, you should have said so.

You asked for input on weather this was a good tactic or not.

I gave you my input.

If you only wanted input from people who agree with you, you might have metioned that as well.

I am sure there will be someone else along shortly.
Message 6 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
What difference does it make what "field" you're in?

It's fee avoidance and you're opening yourself up to being reported by the very competition you think you're trying to keep up with.

Click on "Live Help" and ask the eBay rep that comes on to see what they think. My guess is they will say a)You shouldn't do it and; b)Instead, report the listings of the sellers who you see are doing it.

Is putting yourself in the position to to get listings pulled, fees lost and your account suspended a "good tactic"?

Message 7 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
thanks erie two for two now i just want to know if anybody else sees it on ebay. for instance shipping item 199 usd which basically only 40 of that is shipping.
Message 8 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
sad thing is if you look on they are doing everywhere check under scooters for example they shipping cost is only 25% of the actually cost mean while they sell it at 99 cents just like the pocket bikes same thing. Sorry the typo on your ernie
fish on
Message 9 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
Well my last statement for the night is all my competition is doing this whether directly or indirectly. So guess that why they call this business competition is the key to success. Thanks guys and have good night
Message 10 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
It's called "Fee Avoidance". Look it up on Ebay's help system.

As far as "keeping up with the competition", at least on .com, they're now showing the full shipping charges (with any "required insurance" added) in -all- search results. Problem solved.
Message 11 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
Just a short comment here. I was recently looking for a "book light", those little clip on gadgets that enable you to read in the dark without disturbing anyone. I found several acceptable items in the $.99 to $5.00 price range but the shipping costs for all of these were $10.00 and up. Obviously I didn't purchase any of them because I recognized the fact that the overpriced shipping charges were blatant fee avoidance.
Bottom line is, how long will these sellers be able to stay in business that way? They may get the proverbial "I didn't read the full ad" customer, but I doubt after a buyer is burned once they are going to return for repeat business. Any buyer with common sense isn't going to fork over inflated shipping costs for long. In the long run, this practice will only injure the seller both in profit and reputation.

Message 12 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
guesss everyone think it 200usd dollar ship a pocket bike. maybe you dont ship as often as i do or well. a pocket runs 35-40 per shipping. they 200 why is may ask any opinons
Message 13 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
Everyone else is jumping off the bridge! Are you going to join them?

You asked for our opinions, but you clearly do not like them. It is not cool to dump all costs into your s/h price. So what if Joe Blow shipped a bike and charged $200? As others have mentioned, Joe Blows customer is likely never to return. YOU on the other hand, sell items that people would buy again and again. Be the seller they come back to because of your excellent service, fair prices, and ethical treatment of them as customers, and you will be the last man standing in your catagory.
Message 14 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

I agree with Heather.

You will find that the new format with shipping displayed alongside the price will weed out the fee avoiders.

Message 15 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
I don't know if I'm right ... but I see 2 issues here. Fee aviodance is one of them, but the main one that chuck111fishing is talking about is marketing. If no one will look at a $20 item with free shipping ... and they buy a similiar .01 item with with 19.99 shipping ... same price to to the customer ... what would I do, you do ? Would you go out of business? eBay doesn't care (they show it in your competition ... why should you?
Message 16 of 17
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starting things at 99cent an just adding the price in the shipping

Community Member
I have great success starting 80% of my auctions at $0.99 but the thing is I do not charge outrageous shipping rates. Just actual cost and a small packaging fee since most of my items are glass.

If I am buying and see a good deal then I always make sure I know the shipping cost before I bid, If its rediculous then I do not care how good of a deal it would be (bid + shipping) I hit the back button and find another one. I would sooner pay more in the end for an item, than pay outrageous shipping amounts.
Message 17 of 17
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