Does a sale from an auction always say its eligible for a second chance
offer, or is their an issue with the sale ? My first sale from an
auction says that. I am confused. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in
My reasoning is that the invoice should have been fixed in Ebay in the
first place. Thanks for your response, it made me laugh. I just want to
pay the guy and be done with this transaction. I believe in Karma, and
this has me feeling negative because...
Thanks. He is saying he wants the item back, but I used it to complete a
set that has since sold, and his invoice is cancelled from his end. What
are my options if he refuses the payment? Any help is appreciated.
I am having a similar situation right now, but I am the buyer. I was
refunded but the item showed up. When i tryed to pay via the my purchase
page using pay now, the invoice was asking for double the agreed upon
price. He sent me an invoice from payp...