is there nobody you can actually talk to at ebay? thats kinda strange
isnt it yet you yank my stuff off that i was selling and tell me i have
48 hours to contact you but i have no way of contacting you. you want
like 6.00+ for an invoice that paypal ...
are manufacturer coupons allowed to be sold for money? i dont think so
not in Canada anyway, i am a advit couponer and they are very adamit
about selling manufacturer coupons.
and if your going to run a business in canada then paypal should have
their disclosure statment adjusted to accomadate that to which they
dont. since im in canada i can also not get a paypal debit card. not
available in canada niether is lable printi...
i think i disagree hear my funds have cleared through ebay its payapl
that hold your funds and like i said ebay has it posted ive been paid
and i have as far as their concern they transfered it to paypal it is
paypal that is the problem
yes but once they receive it and are happy why do they hold it after
that hmmm 21 days sounds like a definete set of time for a reason and
yes 10 to 14 days max for a cheque why 21 days?? such an odd number.
i agree and if your going to set up a worldwide business in canada then
the company you have holding our funds should be canadian as well our
fraud ect laws are different then the american.
I believe what the last person said about what paypal is doing with the
money for 21 days i believe these policies are in place for a reason but
when customer receives their item and are happy with it paypal should be
releasing our money. why aren't ...