User Activity

Hello Canadian sellers! I need advice!My sales are slow so I am reviewing my store. Also, I had more complaints recently about my shipping fees, which are always exactly the amount that I have to pay to ship the item with Canada Post, so no profits t...
I do not understand how functions the "send offer" tool. I have sent offers to a lot of watchers for a lot of items. Today, a client wanted to buy something he received my offer for, but he has no way to apply the discount offered. Same thing happen ...
Since yesterday, a list of shipping exclusions appear in the listing I create. My business shipping policies haven't changed, I never created a shipping exclusion list. Anybody have the same problem?
HelloIs there a way I can give out a coupon code to customers that want to buy from my Ebay store? If so, is it through Ebay or Paypal?Thank you!
My two last international buyers didn't receive notification that their parcel was sent. I didn't receive the notification neither. I usually receive it in my email box.