Yes. This is my issue. As a Canadian I had no idea Ground advantage was
a domestic US service only till now. eBay eIS failed to pick up the sale
to add the appropriate fees to check out. And as a long time eBay buyer
I know to avoid certain shipping ...
My purchase agreement with the seller was USPS shipping to Canada. Not
USPS to the hub and DHL from there. eBay's hub has broken my agreement
with the seller. In doing so they have changed the deal. They are now
responsible for this mess. The fact th...
I rediscovered eBay again while shopping for things to decorate my media
room. Been here for years. #1 rule is if you buy from the US make sure
they use USPS. It's slow but doesn't incur any further charges. But I
found a exception to this rule. USPS...
Been on eBay forever. I just had a bad experience with a admitted
failure with the app. eIS was involved. Customer service was contacted.
Buck was passed. CS just wanted me to go after my seller. But eBay
messed this up. They wouldn't step up. All ab...
I am going through a support issue now. I had a purchase slip through
the cracks of the eIS system. eBay's fix was to get DHL to handle the
package. Without my knowledge. I bought this item specifically because
the seller used USPS. After posting on ...