i received a refund for my item that didnt show , never got my shipping
$ money though... total was $34 shipping was $14 so why would i be
paying half the total basically for an item that literally didnt show up
now i check it saysThis item isn't covered by the eBay Money Back
Guarantee. We're sorry you had a problem with your purchase. how in the
living hell does a billion dollar company make the buyer lose money for
shipping on an item that literally didnt...
he sent the $20 without me even asking after a full month of saying its
coming but the product never said " in transit" it said shipping #
provided but it never worked on the UPS website..... i bought it again
off him saying ship with diff carrier, h...
Seller was from US item never even shipped he sent $20 of $34 item was
20 shipping was 14 doesnt even give me an option to do anything, he just
sent the refund before i asked .... not paying $14 usd shipping for an
item that literally didnt ship out ...