I spoke at length with several folks at Ebay, the upshot of which was -
'technical tickets have been created both for the registration errors
and the inability to register a payment account errors, but there is no
ETA on a fix, or for that matter, wh...
I see you have many current listings (beautiful stuff, by the way !) and
current sales on Ebay; were you able to solve your problem with managed
payments ? I hope so; if you were, will you share details of your
solution ? Many others are still stuck ...
I infer you solved your problems with managed payments because you have
many listings and sales currently. Are you able to share how you solved
the problem? I have been struggling with the same situation as you
screen captured, for the last 5 weeks a...
Etsy is an appropriate audience for most of my items, but I expect at
least a 70% drop in sales. Ebay has the widest scope by far, which is
why they can mandate whatever they want and **bleep** on their customers
whenever they want. Managed payments ...