we have merchant account thru the web site and it's 5% off the total
transaction. Much higher then paypal. paypal manager doesnt return
calls. keeep trying ... 1000 usd in paypal fees is only 30k in sales.
there is no "BEST TIME" to list. it's all different. if economy goes
down there are no1 to shop on ebay. unemployment on the rise we lose
business. more jobs created we getting more bids as more ppl willing to
pay. there are MORE global problems, eve...
SHIPPING IS NOT FUN GUYS ! I think we will ship some items with UPS by
ground and some electronics by XPRESSPOST with 10-15% power seller
discount. i don't really like UPS with all their strange "polices, fees
etc etc)" and i don't like CP with shipp...
acurael (937 ) we r currently looking at the UPS as our shipping
solution. it will cost WAY less to ship with them then with CP. it
appears that CP gives discount there, but doesn't give discount here.
so, its WAY too confusing and we think that spen...