Todd, there is no such thing as "a best time".
eBay may have offered the time of day when "they" experience the greatest number of sales but it still depends largely on what you sell and to whom you are targeting your products.
eBay knows when they generate the greatest amount of income from FVF but I know the time of day when "MY" products sell as do most sellers who sell frequently on eBay.
Since most of "my" items sell by BIN or fixed price it is a rather easy thing for me to determine when my products sell, wouldn't you say? And I can promise you that my greatest number of sales do not fall within the eBay model.
Jackie has her experiences and so does Malcolm. You would also have a good idea as to when your sales activity peaks. So eBay's stats only speak to the overall picture and certainly should not be taken as written in stone. They are only meant to be a suggestion but nothing replaces the understanding of your target audience and when they are available to make a purchase.
If I am selling an item at auction (not fixed price or BIN) and it has a sensitivity to shipping costs I may decide to target my auction ending to people on the east coast where I can ship for less - so likely 8-9 pm EST on a Saturday night. If I want to target my auctions to people in Australia I would likely schedule the auction endings for 9 AM EST to take advantage of their peak viewing hours.
The fortunate thing of selling on eBay is that we are all open for business 24/7 and our sales can come at any time of the day with the BIN option activated or fixed price offerings.