The best time to list!

Community Member
hello! this is my first post ever, woo hoo!

is there a best time and/or day to list items? i guess it depends largely on your target market and what your items are. but, here is a theory i use, let me know if you think it makes any sense... PRIME TIME! prime time on tv is 8 to 10 pm ish. this is the most expensive time slot because this is the time most people are watching tv right? well i try to end most listings around this time slot. it may work out then again maybe everyone is watching tv and not on ebay?

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The best time to list!

Community Member
I agree with that. We were actually concerned about the entire week, when the new season was starting, this September. It is not a born fact across the board that folks are watching TV, but it's a reliable risk that they are. Myself, I end my lisitngs on Saturday evenings, between 6 and 8:00 PM. I figure people have had their dinners and are relaxing before putting kids to bed or getting ready to go out for the night. It's a tough call. There is always something that could be happening at just about any time slot. You have to use trial and error to figure out what's best for you.

Good luck with your auctions.

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The best time to list!

Community Member
It depends a lot on what you are selling.

Many of my items are targeted to stay at home moms who shop the web because they can't get out. Maybe they have just put the kid(s) down for a nap and they have a few minutes to themselves... you know, the Sympatico commercial.

Other products that I sell are targeted to a wider audience that sahops on a Saturday night. I try to end these auctions between 9-10 PM to get both the east and west coasts and everyone betweeen.

A lot of my product is sold on eBay at fixed price so it really doesn't matter when those end.



Message 3 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
If people are watching tv, they are not on the net... Statisticaly, most traffic on ebay is Sunday between 5pm and 6pm (PST).

I try to list my items so they end on saturday or sunday between 5pm and 7 pm
Message 4 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
Well now, don't I feel stupid 😉

Message 5 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
I did a historical review of "interest activity' (combination bids and emails) and found that to be Saturday and Sunday nights after 11pm EST.

I get up Saturday and Sundy mornings around 6:15 am and answer the emails left well into the wee hours from the night before.

However when an auction is ending, I have seen as much bidding activity during the middle of a week day as I have on any weekend where people continue their eBay bidding from their offices.

I would suggest that at least 40% of the people who win our auctions have done so from their office.

If someone is really interested in what I have to sell, they will arrange their schedule to be available to bid right up to close of the auction.

Message 6 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
Now now if you had gone to the Ebay thingy ...they stated the best times ...I wrote it down ..I will look it up tonight
Message 7 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
Todd, there is no such thing as "a best time".

eBay may have offered the time of day when "they" experience the greatest number of sales but it still depends largely on what you sell and to whom you are targeting your products.

eBay knows when they generate the greatest amount of income from FVF but I know the time of day when "MY" products sell as do most sellers who sell frequently on eBay.

Since most of "my" items sell by BIN or fixed price it is a rather easy thing for me to determine when my products sell, wouldn't you say? And I can promise you that my greatest number of sales do not fall within the eBay model.

Jackie has her experiences and so does Malcolm. You would also have a good idea as to when your sales activity peaks. So eBay's stats only speak to the overall picture and certainly should not be taken as written in stone. They are only meant to be a suggestion but nothing replaces the understanding of your target audience and when they are available to make a purchase.

If I am selling an item at auction (not fixed price or BIN) and it has a sensitivity to shipping costs I may decide to target my auction ending to people on the east coast where I can ship for less - so likely 8-9 pm EST on a Saturday night. If I want to target my auctions to people in Australia I would likely schedule the auction endings for 9 AM EST to take advantage of their peak viewing hours.

The fortunate thing of selling on eBay is that we are all open for business 24/7 and our sales can come at any time of the day with the BIN option activated or fixed price offerings.




Message 8 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
As much as most people are lead to believe there is a best time, I for one challenge this. My thoughts are that if you have the right item and they want it, then it will sell for sure plus you will get the big dollars. Most people though are looking for that last minute deal. Majority of my bids comes within the last 24 hours of my auctions ending. Does not matter the day or hour. I have tried all the hours & days over the last 3 years and have found no significant difference in sales or values. Yes some of you may find differences but I for one have not.

Message 9 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
I actually had a buyer ask me to please end my auctions on Sunday evening - it gave him something to do on the most boring evening of the week! He is a do-it-yourself sniper.

While we have a few who insist on doing their own sniping, I think most serious buyers have signed up with a sniping program so they can put in their maximum bid when they first spot an item, then just forget it until they get the won or lost email. They know they can do this through eBay's proxy bidding, but in the highly competitive collectables world, too many people search on a few known bidders rather than search out the items for themselves. Lazy, lazy .....


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Message 10 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
Not this one, Glenda...

The thrill is in the hunt and getting that ever-elusive one second snipe. Sniping programs - not a chance. :<)

And only cause Jackie hasn't said so in a few days...

Muahahahahahahahahahah!!! (nope, it doesn't sound the same coming from me).



Message 11 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
You're right Bill -- it's pretty good, but just not the same!

{{calling}} Jaaaaaaackiiiieeeeee!!!!!


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Message 12 of 20
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The best time to list!

there is no "BEST TIME" to list. it's all different.

if economy goes down there are no1 to shop on ebay. unemployment on the rise we lose business. more jobs created we getting more bids as more ppl willing to pay. there are MORE global problems, events that drive sales not just certain time of the day.

i look at ebay just like at stock market with all ups and downs.
Message 13 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
You answered this one right on the nose and so eloquently.
At the beginning my son (partner) and I talked about when the best time would be for our auctions to end and we listed accordingly however after a few months we realized that if it is going to sell because someone wants it, it is going to sell no matter when the auction ends.
We use the BIN and a reserve for all our auctions however only 25% of our items sold are sold with someone using the BIN.
We now list at any random time of day or day of the week week and have not noticed any difference from when we tried to make a science out of it.
The other thing is having an international audience, we have bidders from around the world each with different time zones. I have some instruments going out this Friday to the Netherlands and others going to California and Alaska and I assure you the difference in time zones between these places is considerable and their winning had nothing to do with my planning to end an auction on a certain day based on an EST that I picked because eBay said that is the best time to end an auction.

Message 14 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
I agree with Don...there is no best time to end auctions, and if someone really wants the item, they will make sure that they get it. Sniper programs abound, and I use one if there is something that I just can't live without.
I end my auctions Friday evenings, but used to end them Thursday mornings when we were neophytes...we'd list on 5 day auction on Saturday morning, had no clue what we were doing...quite amazing, actually, some of the prices that we got. As things evolved, we found it easiest to list Friday night...we're usually both home and pooped out from the work week. If I don't have new auctions listed Friday evening, I get about 6 emails from regular customers wanting to know if everything is okay. So, you know that they are habitual viewers.
I have read that the best strategy is to have a few ending every night...but haven't tested that.
If they want it, they will bid!
Message 15 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
Yeeeesh - I don't care about times...I care about BIDS!!! I want BIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDS!

Morning Glenda!!!!!!!

Message 16 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
I want the most hits, and ultimately the most bids. I've found that by ending my auctions late in the evenings, my items have been selling for a lot more than they were when I was listing at all hours of the day.

Who knows? But I'm going to keep doing what works ;~)
Message 17 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
It is hit and miss, but I am often amazed at how much action I get on the odd Friday! I attribute it to to things... End of the week syndrome where workers are slacking off at their desks and possibly payday.
Message 18 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
I of course meant "to TWO things..."
Message 19 of 20
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The best time to list!

Community Member
I remember someone made a comment on one of these boards a while ago about successful auctions.

Their comment was something along the lines of selling on Ebay is like can buy all the fancy equipment, but you only get a bite when an interested fish passes and that could happen anytime.

I liked that one!

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