Like walking the plank, I alway post a test one to check that its really
10 cent, then the rest but im not getting any updates after Sept
3rd...........anyone else have this problem?
Freaking out here; during the last Canadian promotion I by error in 4
auctions added the category: Automotive > Powersports > Personal
Watercraft > Other PWC What should have been 44 cents worth of promo
auctions ended up over 3000 dollars. Oops woul...
Your right pierre, had me worried. I called and found out it was simply
because I do fall into the small supplier category, thats why auditor
didnt request castration err registration. Not a can of worms I wanted
to open, sorry guys.
I ask the auditor My question: My canadian sales where below 30,000, do
i need a GST # Auditors answer: No Auditor asks: Did you collect GST? My
answer : No Auditors reply: Good, you are correct and do not need to
register for a GST#. Im talking from...