Something else ! We are sellers who have 11 NEGS in last 12 months (
over 5,000 items sold ) Many do not even leave feed backs& we only leave
feedbacks once buyer leaves for us. Of those MAYBE one was really
deserved, the rest could have been worked ...
Very simple ! Yes sellers can bloke who they want. WE block buyers for 3
reasons1) Leave UNECCESSARY or unwarrented Negative feedbacks2) Leave 5
LOW DSR scores ( we can tell but not officially) 3) Say they have not
received items, when we suspect the...
It depends how LOW the Offer was. Most sellers accept REASONABLE offers.
That does not mean LOW BALLING.Bare in mind sellers have ebay / Paypal
expenses of 11-15%. & if you are from Canada, a HUGE percentage of USA
sellers will not ship into Canada, ...
Did you communicate before bidding to make sure you would receive the
item in good time to give it as a gift. I would ask you to consider how
stressful it can be in the days leading up to a vacation. It is possible
the seller will be monitoring messa...